Joy of the Gospel 2024

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105). The pilgrim path of each individual in this world is surrounded with experiences of brightness and dimness. The Word of God sheds light to our path in times of dimness. Let us not venture into the world without the light of the Lord. We are constantly in need of God’s inspiration and the Word of God is a lamp to our feet to lead and guide us.

Realizing this great necessity to deliver the Word effectively to the people of our time, we, ‘The Missionaries of  St Francis de Sales’ are bringing out a Bible Diary titled, Joy of the Gospel. Through this Bible Diary, we desire to bring home to all the readers the true intent of the Gospel through a theological, pastoral and spiritual approach. Eminent theologians, scholars, parish priests and spiritual leaders have contributed to this Bible Reflections. Reflections on the day’s readings are given a special importance in this Bible Diary, with a punch line that would stand out as the day’s theme.

(To view the Readings and Reflections click on the date of the calendar on the right)

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